Flo-Joe for Cambridge English Exams

Cambridge English: First

An introduction to the Cambridge FCE exam

FCE Paper 3 Listening (< Previous | Next >)

Time allowed: 40 minutes

Part Task type Focus Questions
1. Multiple choice A series of extracts with one or more speakers lasting around 30 seconds each. Candidates answer one multiple choice question per extract, each with three options: A, B or C. Pick out general meaning specific information, understand attitude and/or events from the text. 8
2. Sentence completion A three-four minute monologue. Candidates fill in the gaps to complete the sentences. Pick out general meaning or specific information from the text. 10
3. Multiple matching A series of related monologues lasting around 30 seconds each. Candidates match the extract to the correct option from a list of six. Pick out general meaning specific information, understand attitude and/or events from the text. 5
4. Multiple choice A three-minute interview or exchange between two speakers. Candidates answer multiple choice questions with 3 options: A, B or C. Pick out general meaning or specific information from the text. 7

Table: FCE Paper 3 Listening