CPE Reading and Use of English Part 3: Key Word Transformation
For questions 1-6, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between three and eight words, including the word given.
1 / 6
1) The mistake in the accounts was not noticed until the figures were re-checked. LIGHT
The mistake in the accounts only ........................................ the figures were re-checked.
2) I had no problems at all during my trip to France. PLAN
Everything ........................................ during my trip to France.
3) The heavy downpour brought their picnic to an abrupt end. CUT
They had to ........................................ because of the heavy downpour.
4) The reforms will not succeed unless they are carefully planned. CRUCIAL
Careful ........................................ of the reforms.
5) They think that Helen's brother stole the money. SUSPECTED
Helen's brother ....................................... the money.
6) I feel completely exhausted when I've listened to Marion for half-an-hour. LEAVES
Half-an-hour ........................................ completely exhausted.
(Source: Adapted from (Pre-2013 Revision) CPE Handbook)
Tips for the C2 Proficiency (CPE) Key Word Transformation (Part 4)
Part 4, the Key Word Transformation, tests your ability to paraphrase through your knowledge of grammar and vocabulary. A wide range of language could be tested here, however some patterns appear quite often. Here are some tips to follow when attempting the Key Word Transformation task:
Look out for two necessary changes in each sentence. At CPE level you will often be required to make more than one change in the transformed sentence such as using a set expression as well as a change from active to passive. The good news is you can get 2 marks for each question!
Don't forget to include the key word and remember not to change the form of the word.
Use between 3 and 8 words - no more. Remember that contractions count as two words.
Certain language points tend to feature in this task such as active to passive, formal to informal, the use of phrasal verbs and other set expressions. Make a note of any new patterns you come across each time you try a Key Word Transformation task.
For further help with the C2 Proficiency (CPE) Key Word Transformation task