CAE Use of English

Part 2: Open Cloze

2) Relative Pronouns

The following sentences contain a missing relative pronoun. Write the missing word in the space provided.

1. The student common room is the only place .......... you can smoke.

2. The company are to introduce a policy .......... parents can bring their children in on Open Days.

3. Dr Adams, .......... research paper has recently been published, will be visiting the laboratory next month.

4. I'm afraid there is nothing .......... I can do to help.

5. Nobody is sure of the reason .......... he decided to take on the job.

6. Will .......... missed Thursday's lesson see me this afternoon.

7. We saw two films last week, neither of .......... were very interesting.

8. The seven defendants, two of .......... were absent from the court, are charged with burglary.

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